Saturday, May 24, 2008

Assisi - May 21st

Another gray, overcast and drizzly day but it did improve.  We drove to Assisi (about an hour) and the heavens opened just as we arrived!  We waited out the worst of it then pulled out our trusty umbrellas and made our way up to the town. (No escalators here!)

Assisi dates back to Roman times but it has only been since 1939 when Francis of Assisi became the patron saint of the country that the town has taken on a prosperous life.  The streets are lined with shops and stalls selling every kind of religious artifact and other touristy items.   Restaurants and hotels do a good business too.

The Basillica is an imposing structure on the hill on the edge of the town.  Assisi 015

A large, walled piazza leads to the entrance to the Lower Church. 

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The Lower Church was built from 1228-1230 and is a series of dimly lit chapels and vaults.   The walls are covered with the most amazing frescoes done by some of the great pre-Renaissance painters.  The colours are soft and rich and the atmosphere here is serene and meditative.

The Upper Church (1230-1253) and holds almost 30 frescoes by Giotto, Cimabue and other artists of the time.  Again, the vibrant colours and peaceful surroundings made this a most memorable experience.

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An earthquake in 1998 damaged many of the frescoes but their former glory is still very evident.  Unfortunately, photos inside the churches were not allowed although I am not sure they would have captured the true magnificence of these works.


We went down into the crypt to see the relics of St. Francis.  I was amazed at the power these had over many of the visitors.  Photos were stuck into the vault areas and people seemed overwhelmed to be in the presence of these relics.

St. Francis did lead an incredible life and has certainly left his mark in this community and around the world.

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The rain began again but we had seen what we had set out to see so felt ready to head home.  A pretty drive with several lengthy tunnels through the mountains.  Dad 4 155

It may have been raining but that just meant some amazing cloud formations!  Mom spotted this one of a man sleeping on his back.  He had been snoring before Dad snapped the shot but I guess his wife must have poked him and his mouth is closed now!

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Dad counted 83 curves in the road to the cottage in the 5 km trip!  I am more comfortable driving it now but still prefer going down to up!  The poor car works hard to do all the hills and sharp turns and I get a good workout too as I shift gears and grip the steering wheel hoping no one comes around one of those bends!