Today was Leeds Castle in Kent, the White Cliffs of Dover and Canterbury Cathedral. Those of you who know me can make your own predictions as to how many photos I took!!! Hint: It's more than yesterday...but I haven't done the math yet!!!
Walking up to Leeds Castle was like stepping straight into the picture I have had as part of my medieval unit for the past few years!!! It is even more beautiful "in person"!! There had been some clouds when we left London in the morning but it had cleared by the time we arrived and the castle was reflected in the "moat" at many angles and shining through the windows inside. It was a home up until 1974 so isn't decorated in a true medieval fashion so I spent most of my time outside or shooting the architecture inside. (Still the teacher!! I even picked up a few more books for my unit next year!!)
The fan belt on the bus broke so, rather than heading away and eating in Canterbury, we ate at Leeds while the bus got fixed. We had a lovely lunch under a HUGE catalpa tree in a courtyard.
The White Cliffs of Dover had more civilization around the spot where we stopped but they are impressive none the less! Mom sang the song while I took umpteen shots!! The Dover castle is also a sight to see!
Lovely countryside on the way to Canterbury. Even saw some oastler houses (hope that's the name - my notes are upstairs!!). I was not prepared for the enormity and elegance of Canterbury Cathedral. I'm sure I could have spent all day there and still not seen or photographed all the geometry or intricate designs that make up the cathedral. And to think it was built without cranes, power drills and the like! Truly a wonder!!
I am not a huge fan of tours - don't like to be told what to do and when - but I have enjoyed these past two days. It is a treat not to have to keep one's eyes on the road and be able to sit back and enjoy the countryside. And our guides have been very knowledgeable. A lot of history!
AND just driving through London....everyone is insane!! Motorcyclists come racing up BETWEEN lanes or move to the curb if it's going to slow. People race around corners and traffic circles and pedestrians walk wherever and whenever they want! We learned very quickly NOT to follow the crowds here!!
Tomorrow is Stonehenge, Bath and Salisbury! Any predictions as to the number of photos I take?!! I may need to buy another card for my camera!
Enjoy your weekends - I'll enjoy mine!!
Walking up to Leeds Castle was like stepping straight into the picture I have had as part of my medieval unit for the past few years!!! It is even more beautiful "in person"!! There had been some clouds when we left London in the morning but it had cleared by the time we arrived and the castle was reflected in the "moat" at many angles and shining through the windows inside. It was a home up until 1974 so isn't decorated in a true medieval fashion so I spent most of my time outside or shooting the architecture inside. (Still the teacher!! I even picked up a few more books for my unit next year!!)
The fan belt on the bus broke so, rather than heading away and eating in Canterbury, we ate at Leeds while the bus got fixed. We had a lovely lunch under a HUGE catalpa tree in a courtyard.
The White Cliffs of Dover had more civilization around the spot where we stopped but they are impressive none the less! Mom sang the song while I took umpteen shots!! The Dover castle is also a sight to see!
Lovely countryside on the way to Canterbury. Even saw some oastler houses (hope that's the name - my notes are upstairs!!). I was not prepared for the enormity and elegance of Canterbury Cathedral. I'm sure I could have spent all day there and still not seen or photographed all the geometry or intricate designs that make up the cathedral. And to think it was built without cranes, power drills and the like! Truly a wonder!!
I am not a huge fan of tours - don't like to be told what to do and when - but I have enjoyed these past two days. It is a treat not to have to keep one's eyes on the road and be able to sit back and enjoy the countryside. And our guides have been very knowledgeable. A lot of history!
AND just driving through London....everyone is insane!! Motorcyclists come racing up BETWEEN lanes or move to the curb if it's going to slow. People race around corners and traffic circles and pedestrians walk wherever and whenever they want! We learned very quickly NOT to follow the crowds here!!
Tomorrow is Stonehenge, Bath and Salisbury! Any predictions as to the number of photos I take?!! I may need to buy another card for my camera!
Enjoy your weekends - I'll enjoy mine!!