In a city full of awe inspiring cathedrals and abbeys, it seemed fitting to attend services today. We had planned to start at St. Paul's but the service was just ending when we arrived. It was for the best though as the organist began to "practice" (not that he sounded like he needed it!!). After the noise and chaos that seems to be London, it was calming and restful to sit in that magnificent building listening to the music fill the space. Much better than listening to someone talk to me for an hour!!
Feeling revived and ready to face another day, we headed to the Churchill Museum and War Cabinet Rooms. Again, the history in those four walls was incredible. They have recreated some rooms while others are just as they were during those crucial times of the war. We could listen to Churchill's speeches and follow his life.
Up to Hyde Park and Speakers' Corner - what a change of pace THAT was!!! Some very "eccentric" characters ranting about this and that! Some religious zealots, a couple of socialists and a Muslim all expounding on their topic of choice. One man wore a sign saying "Now is the time. Listen to me. I know everything!" Sounds like a few people I know!!! We had a picnic lunch in Hyde Park and, for the first time, I had to put on a jacket - windy with a brisk breeze. But we were in London - how could I complain!!
We had taken cabs to our first two stops this morning but were feeling a bit braver and decided to tackle the Tube. It really isn't hard - provided one knows where one wants to go, which line goes there and what transfers need to be made!! I still prefer the luxury (and surprising economy) of those lovely little black cabs!!
We did make it up to Speakers' Corner then back down to Westminster to see the Parliament Buildings and Big Ben (still silent unfortunately but impressive all the same). We attended evensong at Westminster Abbey. After all the weddings and funerals I have watched on TV from there, it was quite moving to actually be in the space. Whatever your beliefs, it is a magnificent place to worship or just sit and reflect or regroup. We sat right beside the choir and had a marvelous view of the choirboys - so angelic and their voices so clear and pure! We were facing the south and an enormous stained glass "rose"window! To our right was the ornate and very gilded high altar. But the highlight for me (and Mom and Dad too, I think) was singing the hymns. To have your voice join that of the choir and be accompanied by the thundering organ - all stops out sends chills up and down your spine!!! It brought tears to my eyes! AND, I think my voice has never sounded better!! Truly an experience of a lifetime!!
We are back at the hotel to regroup before dinner.
Tomorrow morning is Portobello Market then a tour of Buckingham Palace. I would like to go back to Westminster for a tour - so much to see that couldn't be done today (not open to "tourists" on Sunday). We have tickets in the yard for The Merchant of Venice at the Globe tomorrow night and so ends our time in London! It's been a whirlwind and I'm looking forward to the countryside and Wales on Tuesday!!
Feeling revived and ready to face another day, we headed to the Churchill Museum and War Cabinet Rooms. Again, the history in those four walls was incredible. They have recreated some rooms while others are just as they were during those crucial times of the war. We could listen to Churchill's speeches and follow his life.
Up to Hyde Park and Speakers' Corner - what a change of pace THAT was!!! Some very "eccentric" characters ranting about this and that! Some religious zealots, a couple of socialists and a Muslim all expounding on their topic of choice. One man wore a sign saying "Now is the time. Listen to me. I know everything!" Sounds like a few people I know!!! We had a picnic lunch in Hyde Park and, for the first time, I had to put on a jacket - windy with a brisk breeze. But we were in London - how could I complain!!
We had taken cabs to our first two stops this morning but were feeling a bit braver and decided to tackle the Tube. It really isn't hard - provided one knows where one wants to go, which line goes there and what transfers need to be made!! I still prefer the luxury (and surprising economy) of those lovely little black cabs!!
We did make it up to Speakers' Corner then back down to Westminster to see the Parliament Buildings and Big Ben (still silent unfortunately but impressive all the same). We attended evensong at Westminster Abbey. After all the weddings and funerals I have watched on TV from there, it was quite moving to actually be in the space. Whatever your beliefs, it is a magnificent place to worship or just sit and reflect or regroup. We sat right beside the choir and had a marvelous view of the choirboys - so angelic and their voices so clear and pure! We were facing the south and an enormous stained glass "rose"window! To our right was the ornate and very gilded high altar. But the highlight for me (and Mom and Dad too, I think) was singing the hymns. To have your voice join that of the choir and be accompanied by the thundering organ - all stops out sends chills up and down your spine!!! It brought tears to my eyes! AND, I think my voice has never sounded better!! Truly an experience of a lifetime!!
We are back at the hotel to regroup before dinner.
Tomorrow morning is Portobello Market then a tour of Buckingham Palace. I would like to go back to Westminster for a tour - so much to see that couldn't be done today (not open to "tourists" on Sunday). We have tickets in the yard for The Merchant of Venice at the Globe tomorrow night and so ends our time in London! It's been a whirlwind and I'm looking forward to the countryside and Wales on Tuesday!!