Saturday, September 15, 2007

WAY back in time!!!

It's been another long (over 300 miles travelled) but fascinating day! We started our tour at Salisbury Cathedral (800 years old). As we walked up to the cathedral, we could hear singing! Lovely! The choir was practicing and somehow the music sounded even better inside such a magnificent structure!! We were given 30 minutes to "do" the cathedral (this is why I don't like tours!!!). I could have spent 30 minutes on one exterior wall alone!! It felt so wrong to rush through but there just wasn't time to see it all and I really wanted to get to the Chapter House to see an original of the Magna Carta (and to the shop to buy a copy for school!!!). I have enjoyed Edward Rutherford's book "Sarum" so this brought the book to life for me. We drove past Old Sarum on our way to Stonehenge and saw several burial mounds.

Stonehenge is also unfortunately for the tourists. PEOPLE everywhere along with cars, buses and traffic up and down the neighbouring roads. I was glad to hear that this will change in the future. I managed to get "a few" shots without people and found spots where I could let the enormity of this feat truly sink in. I hope I don't offend anyone but I just don't get this tremendous need people seem to have to get their photos taken in front of these monuments?! I like the purity!
The drive from Stonehenge to Bath was gorgeous! Winding roads up and down through green or golden hills and fields and through quaint little villages with stone houses with thatched roofs! Truly British countryside, in my mind!!
I had initially booked the tour for the first two stops and Bath was a bonus. I was surprised by Bath and captivated. When I was a teenager, my grandmother (and Aunt Kate?) introduced me to an author who set many of her stories in Georgian bath. It is a wonderful city. So much interesting architecture and history!! We toured the Roman Baths and drank....Roman bath water?!!! I actually thought it tasted better than my own tap water at home!!! We'll see what effects it has on me!! My feet don't hurt tonight so maybe that is one!