Hi everybody! I'm not sure which is more exciting - being in Cannes or being back online and in contact again!! Thank you Bev (and Mom) for keeping everyone up to date on my activities. I've had a chance to read your accounts and they sound pretty much like what I actually did!!
I have been able to use Windows Live Writer to do a daily blog, add photos etc. - just haven't been able to publish them to my blog. Well, they are all there now!! Happy reading!!
I was off to a good start from the chateau this morning only to discover that, rather than being locked OUT of the chateau like I was earlier, I was locked IN!!!! Someone had locked the door and I could not get the key to work?! No phones in the building, no other residents and a Sunday to boot so the workers that have been renovating one of the apartments wouldn't be in?!! I know where Denis lives but haven't got a number or a last name. I didn't think it warranted calling the police...! I did notice a ladder up against the third story hallway window if I didn't come up with a better idea. I decided to give my key one more try. It DID work when I arrived so maybe with a little TLC?! And it did!! Whew! Wasn't looking forward to climbing out of a window and I don't want to be a princess trapped in a tower that badly!!
I drove south to Salernes for the market there. It is supposed to be the largest one in the area and, compared to what I've seen so far, it was! Even finding parking was a challenge! Everyone seemed to be arriving with their baskets ready to shop for the week. And the offerings were vast - a huge array of spices,
clothing, purses, baskets, flowers and plants,
There was a man sharpening knives and another man caning chairs!
And in the centre of all this were tables and chairs and waiters running in and out of the local cafes with espressos and lates and other beverages for those needing a break! The street was lined with patisseries and boulangeries and treats to make your mouth water! It was such an amazing sight - and dazzled all the senses! THEN the church bells started pealing and there was another one of those "perfect" moments!
I hated to leave but wanted to get to Cannes in time to see some of the sights there. I took the "scenic route" (not always by choice! I did several roundabouts several times!!) but with no schedule to keep, it was a pleasant drive. Lots of cyclists - very brave in my mind!! With the twists and turns and the sometimes impatient French drivers, they really are taking their lives in their own hands!!
I got glimpses of the Mediterranean but then I rounded a corner and saw the most amazing scene!! Breathtaking!
And I now know why the little villages I've been visiting have been deserted. Everyone in France (and many other countries no doubt) is on the Riviera!! HUGE traffic jams - on a Sunday?! And cars and people everywhere.
I finally got to Cannes and promptly got lost!! I had a small map and knew where I was going but just couldn't seem to find the street! I knew I was in the right vicinity and that if I just tried one more time, that elusive street would appear!! After an hour plus of that tactic...it worked!! I was glad to be able to park the car and breathe again. I really am a country girl at heart!!
I got checked in, regrouped then headed down to the boardwalk. My hotel is a 5 min. walk from La Croisette - the boardwalk and place to be seen and to shop (Dior, Louis Vitton, Cartier etc.!!).
Sorry, Tori - I couldn't afford to buy your souvenirs here!!
All the big hotels are along this street - where the stars will be staying next month for the film festival?! If it is this busy now, I can only imagine the crowds for the festival!
On the other side - along the water's edge - are private cafes and beaches as well as ice cream and sandwich stands. There's even an amusement park!
And the street is lined with palm trees and gardens are exploding with colours.
There are lilacs scenting the air and even roses are beginning to bloom.
If it is spring in Provence, then it is summer in Cannes! The beach was full of sun worshippers and while the water was a bit too cold for my liking, lots of kids splashing and building sand castles. Here are my sun starved feet (no French pedicure!) enjoying the sea and the sand!!
The yacht crowd are here, the rich and famous (even if it's only in their minds!), the wannabe rich and famous and lots of ordinary folk like me just soaking up the sun and the sand. You could people watch for days and never see the same "type" twice!! There are yachts from all over the world and a huge cruise ship was anchored in the bay. I walked and walked and walked and probably would have walked some more but I was starting to fade. I've been awake since 5 a.m.! I bought an Italian ice (citron) to refresh me and headed back to the hotel. Despite all the driving today, I still managed to walk 10 km.! No wonder my feet are happy to be out of their shoes and propped up on the bed! I have the balcony door of my room open and there's a lovely breeze blowing in. I think I will sleep well tonight!!
Tomorrow I am going to take the train to Monte Carlo with a possible stop in Nice on my way back (depending on how long I spend wandering in Monte Carlo!). It's another one of those things I never thought I would be doing and yet it's just a 40 minute train ride away!! I'll fill you in tomorrow night!