Sunday, April 13, 2008

RAIN! April 8th

I guess  I gloated too soon about the glorious weather!  I woke up to overcast skies and rain off and on!!  That changed my plans to go to a market in the area!  So, I did some hand laundry and made French toast and tea for a leisurely breakfast. 

Headed to another village nearby and on the way came upon a whole herd? of horses that had escaped from their field!!  They were strolling down the road and a couple took off at a trot - towards the twisty section I had just come along!  There was a foal in the group being led astride by its superiors!!  I wasn't sure what to do but I saw other people on their cell phones so I'm not sure how they would round them all up.  They sure seemed happy to be free!  Farther down the road a solitary white horse was munching happily in a field!  Provence 347

Went into St. Croix sur Verdon.  It was pretty deserted and the temperature had been fluctuating between 8 and 10 degrees so I didn't stay long.  Stopped in at the local supermarket to pick up some things to get me through the next few days.  Market in Riez tomorrow so I hope the weather will cooperate and I'll pick up some fruit and veggies and more exotic foods! 

It started to hail as I was typing this!!  The temperature was hovering between 8 and 10 when I was out!  Quite a change from the past few days so I really can't complain.  Actually, after being on the go for the past 5 days, a nice quiet "indoor day" is probably just what I need.  There are lots of CDs and videos to choose from and I always have my books to read (and a bookshelf in the chateau hallway with more!) and maps and brochures to pour over to plan  the coming days!